Hi, Make Team. I fairly recently undelegated some CSPR, and noticed an oddity in cspr.live. It may be because of the time it takes to undelegate, but it seems a little clunky. So in case nobody has noticed it and it is trivial to fix, here it is: Namely, that for some time (not sure how long!) after the undelegation, in the account balances display section, the "Total Balance" shown is the sum of the "Staked As Delegator" amount added to the "Undelegating" amount. I would have thought that the "Staked As Delegator" amount would be reduced by the same amount as the "Undelegating" amount at the exact same time, but apparently this is not currently done. The effect is to misrepresent the "Total Balance" for a while. It's not a huge problem, and I am sure people can see around it, but if it's a simple bug, over to you!
Thanks for the new Casper Wallet and Casper Click browser integration... seems a lot smoother than the old Casper Signer.